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365 Days of Drawing: John O'Connor 12.07.2019 - 30.07.2019 

Stood in a long green parka with sketchbook in hand, John O’Connor is a familiar sight to many in Leeds city centre. John set himself a creative challenge in 2017, to draw at least once a day from the 1st of January until the 31st of December 2018.

Following a return to painting, he wanted to create pieces which would take hours, rather than weeks to finish. He would utilise whatever materials felt right, the time spent on images would vary from minutes to hours. Come rain or shine, John would be out on the streets in all weathers. After a diagnosis of depression, this New Year's Resolution was a way of giving himself space and a positive focus.

This will be the first showing of over four hundred and fifty drawings created over the course of the year. Come and see the centre of Leeds in a new way: from the more recognisable landmarks to the less familiar details of the city.

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